Tutor - Instructor - Coordinator

- Education Mentor, Early Carrier Mentoring Program, American Society of Retina Specialists
- Education Coordinator for the Ophthalmology Resident’s annual teaching program, Ophthalmology Department, “G.Gennimatas” Athens General Hospital since 2015
- Tutor at the Master of Science program “Ocular surgery” University of Thessaloniki Medical School, Greece
- Examiner in European Board of Ophthalmology Exam in Paris since 2016
- Exam Coordinator for the International Council of Ophthalmology since 2015
- Fellowship Host for International Council of Ophthalmology since 2016
- Host of the American Society of Retina Specialists Observership program in Athens, Greece
- Faculty and Wet Lab Instructor and Coordinator in Thessaloniki Vitreoretinal Summer School since 2011
- Course Instructor “Rneumatic Retinopexy: Practical tips, evidence base and role in contemporary retinal detachment repair” EURETINA, 2020,2021,2022,2023
- Course Instructor “Rneumatic Retinopexy: Practical tips, evidence base and role in contemporary retinal detachment repair” American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2020,2021,2022,2023,2024
- Course Instructor “Advanced OCT Interpretations: The Vitreomacular Interface”, American Society of Retina Specialists, Las Vegas, August 2012, 2013
- Course Instructor “Rneumatic Retinopexy: Pearls and Pitfalls”, American Society of Retina Specialists, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
- Course Instructor “Rneumatic Retinopexy: Pearls and Pitfalls”, American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2009
- Course Instructor “Small Pupil Cataract Surgery: All you need to know”, American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2007, 2008
- Course Instructor, “Phaco: Management of complications”, ESCRS Congress, 2005, 2006
- Course Instructor, “The Use of Capsular Tension Rings, Iris Hooks, and Artificial Iris Devices in Modern Cataract Surgery”, American Academy of Ophthalmology meeting, 2003, 2004, and 2006, 2008
- Examiner of final year medical students OSCE, Royal Free & University College Medical School, UK
- Undergraduate teaching of 4th year medical students, ophthalmology curriculum, Royal Free and University College Medical School, UK.